Creating customised assessments using EP studio – Maths
In this session, we will explore how to create customised Maths assessments using EP Studio. We will go through examples of creating questions from paper-based assessments, utilising each of the unique question components available. The session will conclude with a demonstration of how to use variables to create questions with dynamic numbers. Following this session, participants are encouraged to have a go at converting one of their paper-based assessments into EP studio. We will offer ongoing remote support to assist with assessment creation. Converting paper-based assessments into EP pays off in the long term by reducing marking time and providing immediate and detailed student learning data.
Wednesday 31st August, 3:45pm AEST (45 minutes)
If you can’t make the live webinar, register and you will be sent the recording!
Presenter – Glenn O’Shaughnessy
Glenn O’Shaughnessy – Teacher Consultant, Maths Subject Specialist.
Glenn is a former Maths and Science teacher with 15 years of teaching experience in Victorian public schools. He has been a Leading Teacher of Mathematics, eLearning and Data. Glenn’s major area of interest throughout his career has been the use of digital learning data to improve student learning outcomes. He believes that EP is the most comprehensive digital learning platform available and is excited to have the opportunity to share this with his fellow teachers.