
Whakatutuki i ō whāinga! – Professional Development for You!

Te Ao Māori for Professionals

Join a growing movement of professionals who have
committed to developing their cultural knowledge

For Professionals who want to:


Learn at your own pace, anywhere, anytime


Revise specific topics and subjects related to the workplace and home environment


Explore protocols and cultural events to increase overall confidence

12 month course
for NZD $149 per user

Kete Kōrero – Course Learning Modules

  • Te Whakahuatanga: Pronunciation
  • He Mihi: General greetings and Introductions
  • Ngā Ritenga: General Etiquette
  • Ngā Kare ā-roto: Feelings and Asking How Someone Is
  • Mihimihi: Speeches of Greeting and Interrelationships
  • Pōwhiri, Mihi Whakatau: Formal and Informal Encounters
  • Aotearoa NZ Histories: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Matariki etc
  • Te Reo o te Tari: Office Language
  • Wetereo: Grammar
  • Ngā Whakataukī me ngā Kīwaha: Proverbs and Idioms
  • and much more…

Each Kete Kōrero (learning module) contains vocabulary, comprehension, writing and speaking activities. They are broken up into scaffolded blocks so that they are appropriate for beginner and intermediate level learners, without the need for an expert in Te Reo Māori to guide them.

12 month course
for NZD $149 per user


Mathew Kiore

Pou Taki Educator
Southern District Health Board


Our staff’s participation and engagement is a huge testament to the success of this program, health professionals across the region have made time, and progress for this essential learning, during what is likely the most high-pressure environment of our lifetime for health care.
It’s important and valuable learning and I wholeheartedly endorse this program as a positive experience, enjoyable and rewarding way of growing Te Reo Maori, knowledge of Tikanga, and Te Ao Māori.

Riki Hollings

Māori Development Lead
Spark New Zealand


In a world where we find ourselves time poor with busy work and family lives, Education Perfect provides our whānau at Spark NZ with a gentle and well-structured approach to learning, at our own pace, in our own time, and anywhere. The easy-to- use app provides the opportunity to learn on the go, and keep moving forward, no matter where we find the time. With the flexibility of Education Perfect, we are in control of our learning and can fit our commitment into our busy lives making learning easier.

Tāwera Akehurst

Delivery Manager
Spark New Zealand


Education Perfect is a precious taonga (treasure) for our people. From a tauira (student) perspective, the platform is intuitive, efficient, clear, and concise. As a Kaiako (facilitator), the insights and analytics that are provided allow me to bring out the best in all of them.